Building Community

Here at St Luke's Church we offer a supportive and welcoming home for the whole community. Our team of contactors make regular visits to members of the community who might otherwise feel isolated. We also run regular social events including events for older members of our community to socialise and enjoy one anothers company.

We are lucky to have a beautiful, spacious building in the heart of our community in which we regular host community events such as concerts, breakfasts and our annual Christmas Tree Festival.

Full details of our programme of events can be found by following the links on the left.

Every year we support three main charities - one local, one national and one international.  We give 5% of the total income from the previous year, plus special collections.  We also commit to pray for these charities. 

This year we are supporting: 

Foodshare: FoodShare is a charity that assists people who are unable to feed themselves and their families irrespective of their circumstances. It runs many projects in the local community that reach as many people as possible such as the good neighbour project, and meal programs for the homeless and isolated.

Green Christians: Green Christians is our chosen national charity. Green Christian exists to share Green insights with Christians and to offer Christian insights to the wider Green movement. We walk alongside those of faith and no faith.

Embrace: Embrace is our chosen international charity.  Embrace is a Christian development charity, we support our Christian partners in the Middle East as they work to transform lives and restore the dignity of the most excluded and marginalised communities.


In 2022 we supported Tear Fund – humanitarian aid for Ukraine, The Brett Foundation – fuel poverty fund and A Rocha – ecological awareness.

In 2021 we supported Christian Aid, Ivy's Gifts and The Children's Society 

In 2020 we supported Quench Christian Bookshop, Clean Conscience and New Brainstorm School in Uganda as part of our link with St. Luke's Primary school.

In 2019 we supported the local Homelessness Bus, The Clewer Initiative (against modern day slavery) and FACE (the Friends of the Anglican Church in Ethiopia)

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